Liturgy & Music

Liturgy & Music

The celebration of the Eucharist is at the heart of what truly makes our Nativity of Mary faith community Catholic. Our time spent at Mass deepens our relationships with God and one another. Receiving Christ in the Eucharist strengthens us and gives us the necessary graces to live the spirit-filled life to which we called by God.


Click Here to see the current Liturgical Ministry Schedule


We invite you to to consider where God might be calling you to be of service. Please explore the different liturgical ministries below: 

For information about our Music Ministries, please click here

  • Lectors - Proclaim the Scriptures at Mass in a way "that by their hearing the readings from the sacred texts the faithful may conceive in the hearts a sweet and living affection for Sacred Scripture" (General Instruction of the Roman Missal). In the absence of a Deacon, the lector reads the Prayer of the Faithful. Confirmed Catholics 16 years and older may participate. 
  • Altar Server - Youth in grades 4 and up who have received their First Communion assist the Priest at weekend Mass and special liturgies on a rotating basis. 
  • Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC) - Assist the Priests and Deacons—the Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion—in distributing Holy Communion at weekend Masses and special liturgies. Members of this ministry must be baptized and confirmed Catholics who are at least 16 years and older. 
  • Sacristans - Sacristans help set up the church for Mass by preparing the gifts of bread and wine as well as setting out the liturgical books. Sacristans typically arrive 30 minutes before Mass to have enough time to set everything up, and there are about 10-15 minutes of duties to clean up after Mass. Sacristans receive training and shadow another sacristan before serving alone. 
  • Ushers - Ushers greet people as they arrive and assist with seating people when the church gets crowded. They are alert and observant to any disturbances or emergencies that may arise during Mass. While they go to assist, ushers do not render medical assistance (beyond calling 911 if needed). Ushers also assist with the Collection. Ushers typically arrive 20 minutes before Mass and assist with depositing the Collection after Mass. 
  • Adoration - Have you experienced Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and the peace and grace that can be given in surrendering one hour in prayer before Him? Volunteer to come spend time in adoration of our Lord; He is waiting for you! Find out more information on our Eucharistic Adoration page.
  • Environment Committee (The Green Angels) - Green Angels help in a variety of vital things in our parish life, and you can choose from the following:
    • Enhancing the church and gathering space by arranging plants, flowers, and other suitable decorations for liturgical seasons and feasts
    • Watering and tending to the plants
    • Laundering the linens used at Mass (purificators, corporals, and altar linens); training is provided!
    • The committee meets on a seasonal basis and individual members are scheduled to work on projects as needed. 
    • Find our current schedule here: Green Angels Schedule Spring 2023
  • Sunday Hospitality - Create an atmosphere of hospitality and serve coffee and donuts following Sunday morning Masses. Please contact Chris Caple.
  • Voice of the Good Shepherd (Children's Liturgy of the Word) - Children (ages 3-6 who have not yet received their First Communion) will be called before the Liturgy of the Word at the 10:30am Sunday Mass to go encounter the Good Shepherd through a special presentation of the Liturgy of the Word, grounded in the principles of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. Offered most weekends of the school year. Please see our page for Voice of the Good Shepherd for more information. 


If you are interested in volunteering for any of these ministries, please contact the parish office.

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