Churches in the Bloomington-Richfield area are working together to provide free support and education for adults who are grieving the death of a loved one. You can start any series at any time. There is no commitment on attendance and no cost. You may also only attend the speaker portion of the session, or stay for support group. Group meetings are held on Thursdays, 4:30-6:00 PM. Each session includes:
Education presentation 4:30-5:00 PM: Understanding the grief process and the many emotions involved in working through one's grief makes the journey less frightening. Guest speakers share their own experiences and professional knowledge on grief and loss.
Support 5:00-6:00 PM: Small groups will be formed where the participants will have the opportunity to share their feelings and concerns with others who are also working through the grief process.
See for additional information.
The Fall 2024 Series
will take place from September 19 through November 7, 2024, and will be head at:
Normandale Hylands United Methodist Church (Enter Door #2, take a right & proceed to Fellowship Hall)
9920 Normandale Boulevard
Bloomington, MN 55437
(952) 835-7585
Topics and speakers are:
September 19: “Growing Through Grief & Multiple Loss” by Julie Ditzler
- Julie is a retired nurse who worked 28 years in long-term care.
September 26: “Taking Control of Your Finances” Part I by Grant Meyer
October 3: “Taking Control of Your Finances” Part II by Grant Meyer
- Grant works in the area of finance for “Wings for Widows”.
October 10: “Grief Wishes: “There’s More to You Than Grief” by Brittany Squillace
October 17: “Trauma Connected to Grief" by Brittany Squillace
October 24: “Navigating Through the Holidays” by Erin Hente
- Erin Hente worked in financial services, lost her husband, Andy, has three children, and is a life coach.
October 31: “The In-Between Time: Grief & Healing" by Linda Cherek
- Linda tells of the loss of her daughter, Kristen.
November 7: “Spouse Loss” by Betty Peck
- Betty will speak on the loss of her husband.
2025 Schedule
Winter 2025: January 2 - February 20 at Peace Lutheran Church, Bloomington
Spring 2025: March 27 - May 15 at Woodlake Lutheran Church, Richfield
Summer 2025: July 3 - August 21 at Transfiguration Lutheran Church, Blooomington
Fall 2025: September 18 - November 6 at Nativity of Mary Catholic Church, Bloomington
Questions? Contact Pastor Otis Borup at (612) 735-2839 or