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Formed.org Holy Week Recommendations

Posted on April 04, 2022 in: General News

Formed.org Holy Week Recommendations

FORMED provides the very best Catholic content, pulling together the best in Catholic movies, children’s programming, audio dramas and books! Think of FORMED as Catholic Netflix.  There is something for everyone in the family! Check out our recommendations for Holy Week. 


For Adults:

Triduum: A Spiritual Pilgrimage: This is a beautiful, 30 minute contemplative documentary. This film cinematically walks through the locations of the Holy Week story.  Immersed in the real and sacred places of the Holy Land, the pilgrim faithful is brought tangibly nearer to the story, the landscape, and the reality of the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Triduum draws Catholics and those with open hearts and minds to experience a deeper understanding of these events and places, and offers rich meditations for the pilgrimage of daily life. Journey along this spiritual pilgrimage and be drawn more deeply into the life and love of God. Click here to watch.


For Kids:

Brother Francis: The Stations of the Cross: Join Brother Francis as he follows our Lord on his way to the Cross. FORMED.org explains that this episode of the Brother Francis series follows our Lord on his way to the Cross. This episode includes: a short introduction to the traditional Stations of the Cross, and how meditating upon them brings us closer to our Savior; fourteen beautifully illustrated traditional stations along with fourteen thought-provoking meditations composed especially for children; and a moving song titled, “What More Can He Give,” that ends the video reminding us of Jesus’ love for us all throughout this time on Earth. Click here to watch.


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