

Fr. Nathan's Final Bulletin Article: “And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand”

Posted on June 21, 2024 in: General News

Fr. Nathan's Final Bulletin Article: “And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand”

“And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand”

It is truly hard to believe how quickly five years has gone by. The incredible work that we have accomplished together as a community, let alone persevering through a global pandemic and coming out the other side even more vibrant and alive.

It was back in the spring of 2019 when I received a call from Bishop Andrew Cozzens to come to Nativity of Mary. It was a parish that I had never heard of, nor been to before. However, fast forward five years, and it is now, not only a place that I am incredibly familiar with, but it is also a place where I have received so much for my own vocation and life. I am so very grateful to you all and how this community received me, forgave many of my own weaknesses and faults, and offered support to help me succeed in my pastorship here.

I know five years does not seem like a lot of time, but I think it important not to focus just on the number of years, but more so on the fruits that have been born. It is so clear that God’s providence was upon this season, and that for so many of us, we grown in our time together.

After this weekend’s masses I will be going on my annual silent retreat. Part of the reason I
scheduled this right after my last weekend was to be able to withdraw alone to God and thank him for all that he has done for me, and this community over just five years. To this point, as I wrote the presentation that I gave for Theology and Brews, on Gratitude, several weeks ago, I was struck by how often in my life I “count the cost” over “counting the blessings”. This is something that I have resolved to change in myself as it is so clear that the Lord is never outdone in generosity. Thus, a good part of my time on retreat will be a time of deep gratitude for all of you.

It is an amazing thing to minister to a parish. For the priest is asked to lead the community into deeper relationship with God, and yet, so often, throughout his ministry, it is all the parishioners that lead him into deeper relationship with God. It truly is a profound reality that we all have something to teach one another in journeying to the Lord, and I can honestly say that my life and relationship with God is forever changed because of so many of you here.

As the parish transitions to the leadership of Fr. Bill Duffert, I have every confidence that this is in line with God’s beautiful providence for this community. The gifting that Fr. Bill has is very different than my own and I am excited to see how it brings forth even more life to this Parish. That set aside, the absolutely amazing staff that we have here at the parish and school offer incredible support and stability amidst the pastor changes. They have been wonderful coworkers for me in the vineyard of Nativity. Finally, please know of my prayers for you all during this transition, and I would humbly ask for yours for me as I entered into this next adventure in my priesthood.

- Fr. Nathan LaLiberte


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