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Totus Tuus Teen Program: June 18-22
Nativity of Mary is teaming up with St. Edwards again this summer to offer Totus Tuus!  Totus Tuus (Latin for Totally Yours) is a fun and energetic parish based summer teaching program run by college students and seminarians.  Their youthfulness, energy, and ability to witne...

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Totus Tuus
Teen and Adult Leaders Needed for Totus Tuus
We are excited to be having the Totus Tuus Missionaries come again this summer to run a weeklong day camp for children entering grades 1-6. To make this year's Totus Tuus a success, we are in need of adult and teen volunteers who are passionate about their faith and willing to lend their time an...

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Totus Tuus
Totus Tuus Parish(es) Wide Potluck - At The Church of St. Edwards
Totus Tuus Parish(es) Wide Potluck  Nativity is thrilled to be teaming up with St. Edwards to host Totus Tuus summer program for our elementary through high school students! On Wednesday August 3, all participants, families, and parishioners are welcome to join us in the Social Hall at St. E...

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Faith Formation, Parish Event, Totus Tuus
Totus Tuus Evening Program: Grades 7-12
Totus Tuus, Latin for “Totally Yours,” is a summer Catholic youth program dedicated to sharing the Gospel and promoting the Catholic faith through evangelization, catechesis, Christian witness and Eucharistic worship. The methodology structure, content and enthusiasm of Totus Tuus is con...

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Faith Formation, Parish Event, Totus Tuus, Teens
How You Can Help Support Totus Tuus
Totus Tuus is a VBS style Catholic summer program for elementary students! Nativity is thrilled to be offering this awesome program this summer, but in order to make it happen we need your help! Below are three ways that you can support Totus Tuus and the youth of Nativity.    1...

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VBS, Faith Formation, Parish Event, Totus Tuus

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