

Entries for May 2022

Baccalaureate Mass- Sunday, June 5
Nativity of Mary will be having a Baccalaureate Mass on June 5th at the 10:30 AM Mass to celebrate the class of 2022! If you or someone you know is a high school senior be sure to invite them to this special event and ask them to RSVP by following the link below. We are looking forward to celebratin...

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Sunday Mass, Parish Event
Totus Tuus Registration now open!
Totus Tuus Summer 2022 Nativity of Mary is teaming up with St. Edwards this summer to offer Totus Tuus in place of VBS.  Totus Tuus (Latin for Totally Yours) is a fun and energetic parish based summer teaching program run by college students and seminarians.  Their y...

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VBS, Faith Formation, Parish Event
Ukraine Ribbon Fundraiser- This Weekend
Following all Masses this weekend, May 28th & 29th, volunteers will be passing out ribbons made by Nativity of Mary School students in support of Ukraine.  Baskets for donations will also be availiable.  All donations will go directly to supporting Ukraine.   For more info...

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Sunday Mass, Parish Event
Living a Life of Gratitude - Excerpt from May 29th Bulletin
A Note From Our Pastor- Bulletin excerpt from Sunday, May 29th.    "No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.” - St. Ambrose   As we are quickly coming to the close of another school/programmatic year, it is hard to not look back and see all the good ...

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Sunday Mass
VEAP Coordinator Volunteer Position
Nativity is looking for an individual or couple to be our Nativity VEAP Coordinators.  Some of the key aspects of this role include: Monthly drop off of donated items at VEAP.  Working with Parish Staff to Coordinate the VEAP Food Drive in the spring and the Back to School Donation...

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Parish Event, VEAP

Rosary Procession Photos

Posted on May 24, 2022 in: General News

Rosary Procession Photos
Thank you to all who participated and volunteered to help make the Rosary Procession possible.  We are so grateful to honor Mary in a special way in the month of May.    “The Rosary is the most excellent form of prayer. It is the remedy for all our evils, the root of all b...

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Marian Devotion, Rosary Procession, Rosary, Parish Event
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